I like being told how "awesome" Russian equipment is by people whose only knowledge of the subject comes from video games. This allows them to conveniently ignore the basic reality that whenever Russian hardware goes up against the West, everywhere from the Korean War through to Iraq 2003, it's been reduced to shredded metal & dead operators. Yeah, they would certainly be tougher on their home turf. But their weaponry is only successful as the leading edge of a conquest in place where the US & NATO have already ceded the ground to them. Other than that it's literally shooting fish in a barrel, and these days Russia simply can't afford the cost of massive quantity to overcome their generally lousy quality, the way they could in World War Two and in the Cold War.
Not cheering for a war here. Just saying that there's probably been several generations of US & British strategists & field officers who licked their lips in anticipation of duking it out in a straight-up fistfight with the Russians, just to see what would happen. Pretty certain if the Fulda Gap apocalypse ever happened then the results for the Russians would be identical to what happened to their incredibly unlucky equipment-users in the Sinai, in the Golan Heights, and in both Iraq wars. Shit, Afghanistan is still strewn from end-to-end with the blown-out ruins of rusting tanks, copters, and fighter planes that got annihilated just from what the original mujahadeen managed to do to the Soviets using shoulder-fired RPGs and surface-to-air missiles. Flood Ukraine and the Baltics with the exact same kind of weaponry, supplemented by the pure-murder machine of US helicopters and A10 Warthogs running amok, and the same goddamn thing would probably happen all over again.
As the bloodthirsty old Klingon would most likely say....