CKA Forum Groups
Members can join various political forum groups. Group members get the group icon shown beside your avatar and gain full access to the groups party forum. Click group icon to view current members and to apply to a group.

Federal Liberal party supporters.

Federal Conservative party supporters.

Federal New Democrat Party supporters.

Federal Green Party supporters.

Bloc Quebecois supporters.

CKA Radio DJ's (private group)
CKA Point Groups
Participating Members(requires 500 user points)
Active Members(requires 5000 user points)
CKA Vets(requires 50000 user points)
Gold Members(requires min $15 donation)
CKA External Groups

Join the CKA Frapper group by adding your location with a pin. See where other CKA members are from.

Join the youtube CKA group for Canadians. Post and share your Canada videos, or add existing Canada-related videos to the group.

StumbleUpon helps you discover great websites. Join the Group for fans of CKA
CKA Canadian Daily Trivia Daily trivia from a wealth of Canadian topics, compare your daily score to other CKA members. Hosted at

LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. Join the CKA Book Club!

Facebook is a social utility website which has over 13 million registered users.