CKA Gold Members

in order of signup (36 total)
Canadian Gole Membership
Gold Membership is for those members who have donated at least $15 to the site.

In thanks for there donation to help pay for the operating costs of the site they are awarded this Gold Leaf Membership. Gold members get the golden maple leaf beside there username on most places on the site, like beside there name and avatar in the forums. This lets other people know that that person has contributed, and makes them stand out from the crowd.

Gold members also get the pleasure of viewing the site with no banner ads!! This makes the site load much faster and no advertising is always a nice thing! ALso a gold user gets to see more topics in the recent topics list on the front-page of the forums. Future rewards for CKA gold members are planned!

To become a Gold Leaf Member donate here:

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Member Details Membership:
New Today: 0
New Yesterday: 0
Total Members: 39,289
Latest User: dnnanan

Online Members Online Stats:
Guest(s): 1250
Member(s): 1
Most Ever Online: 2792

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